Mission & Vision (Hindi)


  Empowerment of learners though access to education in general and to Hindi education in particular enabling .them to develop as intellectually active socially responsible citizen always growth to continuous personal and professional  growth to fit into the challenging  business environment ”. Strive for quality education in keeping with the motto of the department “Gyanmev Shaktih (knowledge is strength) ” and  prepare young minds for imbiding knowledge , skill and sensitivity.

  • Impact education of the highest standard throuth value based holistic teaching and learning by integrating traditional and innovative practices.
  • Equip students with the skill needed to adapt better to the changing global scenarlo and gain access to multi carrier opportunities.
  • Create platform for students for exploring their creative potential and nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship and critical thinking.
  • Inculcate a strong believe in hard work and core value of gender equlity human ritgh and ecology in other to make then socially responsible citizens.
  • Provide inclusive education by making it accessible to all sections of society to maintain and promote quality , transparency , compliance and sustainability in governance.


  To shape the young generation who are coming from the diversified sections of the society , so that they will be prepared to accept responsibility in the business world and at the same time world .them into disciplined cultured and sociable human being with social moral and spiritual values.” hidden talent ,provide opportunities Hindi to provie quality education , while equipnig students with knowledge and skills in the chosen stream, Inculcate values, Identify for students , to realize their full protential and thus shape them into future leaders, entrepreneur and above all good human being.

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