Course outcome (Geography)

B.A. Group Program Outcome: Arts
  After completing bachelor program in Arts, a student will be able to develop:

Program Outcome

PO1:Critical Thinking: Ability to identify, construct and evaluate arguments, ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking, integrates diverse sources of knowledge in solving problems.

PO2:Communication Skills: Develop oral and written skill for effective Communication, active participation in group activities will improve active learning skills and expressive skills and self-confidence.

PO3:Social Adoptability Skills: Ability to communicate and share our thoughts & feeling with others, develop social interactions and become socially responsible individual (human being).

PO4:Ethical Value: Inculcate ethical, moral and human values, framing the base to deal with various problems in life with courage and humanity.

PO5:Environmental Awareness: Border understands of the local, national and global environment issues.

PO6: Employability: Preparing students for job prospect in organized sector.

PO7: Skill outcomes: Carry out surveying and learn the art of map making and prepare maps for the areas with the help of surveying techniques. Gain knowledge of quantitative methods and their ability to use statistical and cartographical methods to solve geographical problems.

PO8: The program empowers the graduates to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate program of their choice.

PO9: The students will be ignited enough to think and act over for the solution of various issues prevailed in the human life to make this world better than ever.

PO10: Program provides the base to be the responsible citizen.

Geography B.A. Group


Program Specific Outcomes




1.     Arts department of this college consists of Geography, Political Science, Hindi& English. Each subject has its own unique identity.

2.     Having education makes a human knowledgeable in a true sense. These subjects are like an ocean of knowledge, one just needs to take a dive to have them all.

3.     This program provides solutions to social, economical, geographical and political issues. By knowing these subjects one can be more attentive towards them

4.     On observing the data since independence majority of students opting to go for administrative services belonged to this field. Hence this program is beneficial to students going forward in this direction.

5.     As this program is mostly related to Environmental & Social Sciences, it encourages peoples toward it.

6.     As all studies related in this program revolves around humans and their activities, studying them could provide a benefit towards prosperous living.

7.     Students studying in the Arts department are more encouraged towards going for research in near future. We have Research facilities for Sociology & Hindi and Our libraries are equipped with research and reference materials as well which would help in its smooth facilitation.

Geography B. A. 1st year
Course Outcome Ø Outcomes: After completion of these courses students should be able to

Physical Geography (Paper 1 Code-0117)

Ø Know the origin of the Earth, Geological Time Scale, Earth’s Interior, Continental Drift Theory (Wegner), Plate Tectonics, Isostasy.also theElements of Weather and Climate, Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere & Earth movements.

Ø Demonstrate knowledge of physical condition of atmosphere and oceans and general problems of climatic conditions.


Human Geography (Paper 2 Code-0118)

Ø Know the Definition and Scope of Human Geography. Man – environment relationship, classification of Human Races – their Characteristics and Distribution.

Ø Understand the Growth, Density and Distribution of World Population and factors influencing spatial distribution.

Ø Gain the knowledge of Urban & Rural settlements.

Practical Geography (Paper 3 Code-119)


Ø Understand the Cartography &Statistical method which includes scale, Contour, Graph & Diagram and statistical technique as well as Chain & Tape survey.
Geography B. A 2nd year

Economic and Resources Geography

(Paper 1 Code-0187)

Ø Know the meaning, scope & approaches to Economic Geography, concept & classification of resources.

Ø Understand the agricultural & Industrial regions of the world, world transportation & effect of globalization on the developing countries.

Ø Gain the knowledge about conservation of resources, policy making & substantial development.


Geography Of India

(Paper 2 Code-0188)

Ø Gain knowledge about physical features (structure, relief, Climate, Physiographic regions, Drainage, Mechanism of monsoon, Regional & seasonal variations & Cultural features (population growth density &distribution and agricultural regions) as well.

Ø Know about Industrial localization, detailed study of Kashmir valley, North-East region, The desert Islands of India.


Practical Geography

(paper 3)

Ø Know about Distribution maps, Map projections, Interpretation of weather maps by using meteorological instruments & also the statistical methods & surveying which will help the students to acquire skill for everyday living as well as it creates a foundation for careers such as in field research.
Geography B.A 3rd Year



Resources and Environment

(Paper 1 Code-0248)

Ø Understand the meaning, nature classification & components of Resources and Environment, distribution & utilization of water mineral & energy resources, types and distribution of forests & fisheries and soil.

Ø Gain knowledge about their economic, Environmental significance & conservation.

Ø Understand the problems of soil erosion, population pressure & resource utilization, exploitation of natural resources & Environmental hazards, so that students will be able to know the emerging environmental issues and will provide solutions to them as well.

Geography of India (With special referenceto Chhattisgarh) (Paper 2 Code-0249) Ø Understand the physical features of Chhattisgarh which includes Structure, Physiography, Drainage, Climate, Soils, Natural vegetation, water resources, mineral & power resources as well as cultural features which includes Agriculture, Industries, Population, literacy &sex –ratio, Urbanization, Major tribes, Transport & Tourism.

Practical Geography (Paper 3 Code-

Ø Get knowledge about Map projection, Band graph, Hythergraph&Climograph, so that they will be able to interpret Indian topographical sheets with respect to physical & cultural features.

Ø Understand the process of surveying & basic principle of table surveying which will help the students in field work in Geography also in economic survey of a micro-region.

M.A. Ø M.A. Geography





Program Outcome

Ø Ability of Problem Analysis: Student will be able to analyses the problems of physical as well as cultural environments of both rural and urban areas. Moreover, they will try to find out the possible measures to solve those problems.

Ø Conduct Social Survey Project: They will be eligible for conducting social survey project, which is needed for measuring the status of development of a particular group or section of the society.

Ø Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Ø Application of modern instruments: Students will be able to learn the application of various modern instruments and by these; they will be able to collect primary data.

Ø Application of GIS and modern Geographical Map Making Techniques: They will learn how to prepare map based on GIS by using the modern geographical map-making techniques.

Ø Critical Thinking: Take informed actions after identifying the assumptions that frame our thinking and actions, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and looking at our ideas and decisions from different perspectives.

Ø Development of Observation Power: As a student of M.A Geography Course, they will be capable to develop their observation power through field experience and in future, they will be able to identify the socio-environmental problems of a locality.

Ø Development of Communication Skill and Interaction Power:After the completion of the course, they will be efficient in their communication skill as well as power of social interaction. Some of the students are being able to understand and write effective reports and design credentials, make effective demonstrations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Ø Effective Citizenship: Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.

Ø Enhancement of the ability of Management: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the management principles and apply these to theirs own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects.

Ø Ethics: Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions, and accept responsibility for them.

Ø Understand Environmental Ethics and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the acquired knowledge in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.

Ø Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context social, environmental and technological changes




Program Specific Outcomes


Ø Our Master’s program in Geography is based on high quality research operating in some of the major fields of Geography.

Ø Students who graduate from the Master’s program in Geography have strong theoretical and practical skills.

Ø The education in Geography offers a broad understanding in current Social & Environmental issues.

Ø Their ability to apply theoretical knowledge.

Ø Strong interaction skills within multidisciplinary of specialists.

Ø Their ability to communicate in writing, orally, geographically about Geographical phenomenon.

Ø Their versatile knowledge of methodology in Geography.

Ø Their ability to apply the newest methods in Geoinformatics and Cartography.

Ø The Master’s program in Geography is study tracks. The study tracks offer students the opportunity to specialize in different areas of geography.

Ø Our students have been very successful in the job market after completing the program working as experts in their field.

CourseOutcome Major areas that will be covered under PG program:
Semester I Ø Geomorphology
Ø Climatology
Ø Evolution of Geographical thoughts
Ø Geography of India
Semester II Ø Applied Geomorphology
Ø Oceanography
Ø Geographical Methodology
Ø Geography of Chhattisgarh
Semester III Ø Rural Settlement Geography
Ø Resource Geography
Ø Regional Planning and Development
Ø Population Geography with special reference of world
Semester IV Ø Population Geography with special reference of India
Ø Urban Geography
Ø Agricultural Geography
Ø Resource conservation and management
Semester I Ø



(Paper 1)

Ø Students will develop an idea about background knowledge of Geography as well as different types of fundamental concepts regarding process of erosion, deposition & resulting landforms.

Ø They also acquire the knowledge of different selected applications of Geomorphology to societal requirements &quality of Environment are dealt with.



(Paper 2)

Ø Students will understand the weather as well as generation of climate phenomenon by learning of interaction between atmosphere & earth’s surface.

Ø Also develop an idea about Cyclones and understand the importance of atmospheric pressure and winds.

Evolution of Geographical Thoughts

(paper 3)

Ø Students will built an idea about between Environmental determinism & possibillism, systematic & regionals.

Ø Students would be able to gain knowledge about the trends of Geographical thoughts.

Geography of India

(paper 4)

Ø Students will get to know about their own country India in context of Asia in the World, land formation, climate & natural vegetation.

Ø Students will understand the Globalization & Indian economy also the regional distribution of resources.

Semester II Ø


Applied Geomorphology

(Paper 1)

Ø It is basically a branch where the research outcomes provide information geomorphic landforms or processes that may be of concern to society and where relevant, provides solutions to problems of geometric context.

Ø So the students will understand the nature scope & subject matter of applied geomorphology.

Ø Also understand the concept of Erosion, agriculture planning, Urban Geomorphology, Hydro geomorphology and Environmental Geomorphology.



(paper 2)

Ø Students will get to know about various facets of Ocean such as, Evolution of Ocean, physical & Chemical properties of Sea water

Ø Students will gain knowledge about marine biological environmental & food resources of sea which helps them to explore their knowledge towards sea food resources in near future.


Geographical Methodology

(Paper 3)

Ø It includes Dualism in geography, positivism& its reactions, Behaviouralism, Para diagrams of Geography, Recent trends in Geography also the laws & theories of Models so that students will be able to know that how to collect primary & secondary data, questionnaire also about physical & socio-economical survey which helps the students to their research work in the future.
Geography of Chhattisgarh

 (Paper 4)

Ø Students should be able to gain the knowledge about meso& micro region of Country. So they can understand Chhattisgarh region as a dynamic entity.
Semester III Ø

Rural Settlement Geography

(paper 1)

Ø Students will understand the growth & evolution of rural area by recognizing &analysing the distribution patterns, morphology & functions of rural settlements.

Ø The knowledge of this will built an idea about rural Settlement & its relationships with environment & different theories related to Settlement Geography.

Ø So they will get to know that people living in the rural areas all over the world are engaged & dependent on various primary occupations, viz, agriculture, fisheries, forestry & mining.


Geography of Resources

(Paper 2)

Ø Students will develop an idea about nature, scope & significance of Geography of natural resources.

Ø They will understand the concept of different types of resources as well as power resources so that they will be able to explain about resource relationships.


Regional Planning & Development

(paper 3)

Ø Students will be able to focus on regional geography of India like, physical relief, drainage, climate, soil, natural vegetation, their characteristics & distributions, deforestation & conservation of forests.

Ø They will understand the concept of multilevel planning, Decentralized planning process, Panchayat Raj system & Administrative structure.

Ø Students will be able to compare national planning techniques withthat of developed countries like Japan and America and the advanced techniques and technologiesthey use in the use or resources, in planning environment, the pollution control measures they use.


Population Geography

(Paper 4)

Ø Students will understand the nature and composition of population like, age, sex, marital status, family economic composition & languages so they will be able to analyse the global trends & patterns of population growth in developing countries & migration patterns.

Ø So they will be able to know that how the places and spaces affect the population process.

Semester IV Ø

Population Geography special reference to India

(Paper 1)

Ø Students will understand the development of Population Geography in India, its relation with Demography, population distribution & density, world pattern & determinants in India.

Ø They will get to know about population composition of Tribes in India which will help the students to spread the awareness regarding population composition in India and how it affects the people’s life.



Urban Geography

(Paper 2)

Ø Students will be able to explain the town & cities in India & world perspective.

Ø They will be able to gain the knowledge about history of urbanization in the developed & Developing countries.

Ø They can understand the functional difference between Rural & Urban Settlements

Ø So by gaining enough knowledge they will be able to examine the Contemporary Urban issues & to suggest new Urban Planning & Policy.




(Paper 3)

Ø Students will familiarize with the concept , origin & development of agriculture so that they will understand the selected agricultural concepts, cropping pattern, crop concentration, intensity of cropping, degree of commercialization , efficiency & productivity.

Ø Also will get the knowledge about Green revolution, white & blue revolution, specific problems of Indian agriculture, agriculture tools, Soil testing centres, Bio compost, E- marketing, standard seeds, Agriculture awards, Kissan credit card. Narva, garuva, ghurva, Boariyojana.

Ø So the students can aware the people regarding better agriculture techniques.


Resources Conservation& Management

(Paper 4)

Ø Students will develop an understanding & appreciation for Missourl’s natural resources system & conservation management. So that they will analyse comprehend forest management, practices stream & water management, grassland conservation, hunter education, fisheries & wildlife management.

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