The Government Pataleshwar College library has a valuable collection of 18636 books on diverse subjects which cater to the needs of students, teachers, and research scholars of different UG & PG level programmes. The library has some reference books and reference sources related to different subjects. The library is partially automated by using ILMS (Integrated Library Management System) SOUL 2.0. Due to the very huge collection and lack of manpower, the database creation of library books and other resources is under pipeline. After completion of the library resources database, we will be able to access library books through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The library has a subscription to N-List (National Library and information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Contents) for e-journals and e-books. N-List provides accessibility to more than 6,000+ e-journals, more than 1,64,300+ e-books, and 6,00,000 e-books through NDL. It provides full-text access to e-books and e-journals. Every year new books are added as per the fund received by the government.