Two Best Practices of the College


Best Practice I

Title: Certificate course for students on career guidance and personality development has been conducted by Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) in the college to support students for their career and boost their self confidence.

Goal: Majority of the students come from villages and belong to economically weaker sections of society with poor exposure job opportunity,  lack of confidence, poor in  English Language and communication and unaware of their social responsibility. Hence, the goal of this practice is to help the students for their career, improve their confidence, command in English language and develop their communication skill, and also to help them to be socially responsible citizen.

Context: The employability of the college students continues to remain weak even while there is an acute shortage of skilled manpower in an increasing number of high demand sectors. The need of the hour is to increase the employability of the college students by imparting knowledge and skills, through cutting edge teaching and learning methods as well as practical work experience through internship and community projects. To shift from subject oriented courses to job oriented and personality development course can help in dissolving the hesitation of the students to find job after their graduation and post graduation.

Practice: The aim of this best practice is to provide skill based training and personality development course to strengthen knowledge, skills and capabilities among students. The college has signed MOU with National University Students’ Skill Development (NUSSD) Programme, which is a unique initiative on skill development designed and undertaken by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in collaboration with Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to enable graduating youths from underprivileged background to acquire employment oriented skills while pursuing their graduation from the regional colleges. To develop skills, competencies and knowledge among students this course includes English Communication, Legal Literacy, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Youth Leadership, People Skills, and domain specific diploma, which not only help them to gain relevant employability skills along with their degree to find a suitable career option after graduation but also foster socially conscientious students grounded in respect for people and concerned about the welfare of others.


Best Practice II


Title: To create a clean, green and eco friendly campus.


  • To create awareness among the students for the need of an eco counter the growing hazards of pollution in Masturi.
  • To create a sense of responsibility among students to keep the campus litter-free and green.
  • Context: Many stone crusher plants are situated just beside the government college Masturi, which are instrumental in producing noise and air pollution in the area around and also make life hazardous to the population and flora and fauna as well.
  • Practice: This best practice is small but significant step in involving the students to make the college clean, green and ecofriendly and in turn creating awareness in them about the need for conservation of the environment . Common practices include the planti the sapling, awarenss rallies, campaign and lectures. These activities are largely carried out by volunteers of science club, NSS, cadets of NCC and Youth Red Cross society. Botany department of the college has developned the batanical garden with several and useful medicinal plants. A beautiful rose garden has also been developed by science club. The first year students are encouraged to focus on environmental studies from a practical point of view. Lectures on environmental awareness, pollution and harmfull effects of polythene were organized. Students are advised to reduce the use of plastic and other disposable items. The use of air-horn in the college is strictly prohibited.
  • Evidence: The campus is now having batanical garden as well as well developed and well maintain large garden in front of the main building. There is compost-pit and rain water harvesting system also.
  • Problems: The college campus is open in one of its side due to incomplete boundary wall and hence it is open for thoroughfare. This not only cause traffic pollution and disturbance to  the college but also allows stray animals to wander in search of food and cause damage to the garden.


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