SWOC (English)



  • Work experience of 20 years. Dedicated & hard-working faculty.
  • Good working efficiency even in improper student-teacher ratio.(995:1)
  • 100% result in English literature.
  • Good communication skill, understanding about student’s need. Collaborative.
  • Effective teaching despite limited resources.
  • Service before self. No Long leaves in service. Trustworthy & Enthusiastic.


  • Minimal students opting for English Literature.
  • Improper student-teacher ratio hinders individual attention during class.
  • Loaded adminitravia. Less time for self study. No supporting staff
  • Foundation & Receptive potentials in students are below average in English Language.
  • Inadequate literary books in Library hindering promotion of research activity.
  • Syllabus has not been revised since long.


  • Propelling language skills in rural milieu.
  • Personality development through interactive sessions.
  • Bridging digital gap. Technology integrated language teaching is sine-qua non.
  • Strong Linkage with Alumni.
  • Drama, Debate, Panel discussion, film screening etc for promotion of cultural vision


  • 80 minutes a week for one class in foundation course to improve language proficiency.
  • Refrain Standard English being distorted by digital language eg LOL,CUall etc.
  • First generation learners. English language is alien in family.
  • Improving Examination system which is encouraging Rote memorization.
  • Bilingual method of teaching English for comprehension: wrong methodology.
  • Erasing fear, hesitation and shyness blocking developing interest of student.



  • To establish English Lab furnished with internet.
  • To organize seminar / workshop in English.
  • To start value added course in soft skills
  • Applied Linguistic in syllabus.
  • Invite Guest Lectures.

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